Anti-democratic law change affects climate protestors

On June 1st, the democratic state of South Australia passed a law in the upper-house that would increase the maximum penalty from $750 to $50,000 or imprisonment for three months for obscuring a public place whilst protesting.

This bill was introduced in response to the numerous protests leading up to the annual oil and gas conference in Adelaide where Tom Koutsantonis, told representatives of the Australian oil and gas industry that the state government is “at your disposal”.

This promo film was produced to encourage a swarming of people at the rally against this action. The Climate Rave was part of the week long protest prior to the bill being introduced, and encouraged the formation of a positive action community, which is better sustained considering challenges of eco-burnout. The portraits featured are of the protestors whose futures are being effected by the decisions made at the APPEA conference next door. The future of the Earth, their lives and their children lives lay in their ability to protest and action against destructive economic growth.

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Super 8 Film


My Cherie - Healing